A Succinct Look at the Sovereignty of God
The doctrine of the sovereignty of God is a doctrine that once truly grasped, can never be released, for it is not the Believer that holds the doctrine, but it is the doctrine that holds the Believer. This article takes a concise look into the sovereignty of God including the presence of evil.
Christian Hedonism, Biblical Doctrine or Man’s Heretical Philosophy?
This issue of The Discerner examines the philosophy of Christian Hedonism evaluating in the light of Scripture the claims of its author in his work The Dangerous Duty of Delight.
The Nicodemus Encounter
In this issue of The Discerner five critical points regarding the nature of regeneration are drawn from Christ’s conversation with Nicodemus. The issue also demonstrates the radical nature of regeneration as it compares it to the radical corruption (total depravity) of the unsaved.
Revelation 20
An examination of Revelation 20 and its significance to the Millennium.